Whenever you are looking to buy a home, car, or take out an installment loan of any kind; the chances are very likely you will need to know what your credit score is in order to know if you are receiving the best deal with regards to special finance offers and interest rates. I have heard it all my life that you should closely monitor your credit score and your credit report for any mistakes or to see if any fraudulent activity has been initiated with your identity without your knowledge. (AKA Identity Theft)

I wholeheartedly agree with this advice and we used credit karma to help with monitoring our credit. However, we soon realized that there is an issue with the accuracy of the scores on credit karma. This was blatantly evident when we went to…

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Photo Credit Redditt

Bartender that works at Basin Park Hotel took this picture of the child ghost in the hall that many have reported seeing....

Yes, it is haunted....

It was around Christmas time 2021 and Kathy had always wanted to stay in a haunted hotel overnight. Anyone that knows me...knows that I am Shaggy when it comes to ghosts, scary movies, and haunted houses. I literally get "ghost" myself at the slightest bump in the night or unexpected "scare" and I run. Fight or Flight is strong with me! I often tell people if you see me running it's because I don't have to be faster than whatever is chasing me....I just have to be faster than you! There is no shame in my game. To truly understand what an incredible sacrifice I made in going…

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Haunted House Blog

Are you looking for a spooky adventure this Halloween? If so, you might want to check out some of the haunted houses in Central Arkansas. These attractions are not for the faint of heart, as they feature terrifying scenes, actors, and effects that will make you scream. Here are some of the best haunted houses in Central Arkansas that you can visit this year.

1. Reaper Haunted House: This is one of the largest and most popular haunted houses in the state, with over 30,000 square feet of horror. You will encounter zombies, clowns, chainsaws, and more as you make your way through the dark and twisted maze. Reaper Haunted House is located in North Little Rock and is open every Friday and Saturday night in October, as well as Halloween night.


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