Found 7 blog entries tagged as prequalification.

I have heard so many different variations as to why now is a bad time to buy a home and rebuttals that say now is a good time to buy a home; but who's right?  Well, if you want the brass tax and the cold hard truth; no one knows for sure what the market is going to do.  There is not a predictor for a market like this because we haven't seen a market like this before. Even those who have been in the Real Estate Business for over 45 years cannot predict with any kind of certainty what the future state of the Real Estate Market is going to be in the short term or in the long term. There just isn't a crystal ball or magic 8 ball   answer for the current state of our economic circumstances. I am the furthest thing from an economist but it would appear that…

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Whenever you are looking to buy a home, car, or take out an installment loan of any kind; the chances are very likely you will need to know what your credit score is in order to know if you are receiving the best deal with regards to special finance offers and interest rates. I have heard it all my life that you should closely monitor your credit score and your credit report for any mistakes or to see if any fraudulent activity has been initiated with your identity without your knowledge. (AKA Identity Theft)

I wholeheartedly agree with this advice and we used credit karma to help with monitoring our credit. However, we soon realized that there is an issue with the accuracy of the scores on credit karma. This was blatantly evident when we went to…

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Photo Credit Redditt

Bartender that works at Basin Park Hotel took this picture of the child ghost in the hall that many have reported seeing....

Yes, it is haunted....

It was around Christmas time 2021 and Kathy had always wanted to stay in a haunted hotel overnight. Anyone that knows me...knows that I am Shaggy when it comes to ghosts, scary movies, and haunted houses. I literally get "ghost" myself at the slightest bump in the night or unexpected "scare" and I run. Fight or Flight is strong with me! I often tell people if you see me running it's because I don't have to be faster than whatever is chasing me....I just have to be faster than you! There is no shame in my game. To truly understand what an incredible sacrifice I made in going…

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Haunted House Blog

Are you looking for a spooky adventure this Halloween? If so, you might want to check out some of the haunted houses in Central Arkansas. These attractions are not for the faint of heart, as they feature terrifying scenes, actors, and effects that will make you scream. Here are some of the best haunted houses in Central Arkansas that you can visit this year.

1. Reaper Haunted House: This is one of the largest and most popular haunted houses in the state, with over 30,000 square feet of horror. You will encounter zombies, clowns, chainsaws, and more as you make your way through the dark and twisted maze. Reaper Haunted House is located in North Little Rock and is open every Friday and Saturday night in October, as well as Halloween night.


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If you are looking for some spooky destinations to visit in Arkansas, you might be interested in these haunted places that have been reported by locals and visitors alike; from historic mansions to eerie hotels, these locations are sure to give you chills and thrills. Here are some of the most haunted places in Arkansas:

- Peel Mansion, Bentonville: This elegant house was built in 1875 by Samuel Peel, a former United States Congressman. It is now a museum that displays artifacts from the 19th century. However, it is also said to be haunted by Samuel and his daughter Minnie Belle, who died of tuberculosis at a young age. Minnie is often seen as a white figure wandering around the mansion, and sometimes plays the piano in the music room. Samuel's…

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If I had to pick my favorite time of year...this is it!!  The Cruel Arkansas Summer is making its way into our rearview mirror and up ahead are falling leaves, cooler temps, sweater weather, and fall festivals!  Looking for something to do this fall?  We have plenty of options available for you in the natural state. Whether it's a scenic drive up to northwest Arkansas for the  kaleidoscope of colors with the changing of the leaves, Rocktoberfest this weekend at War Memorial Stadium, or the Food Truck Festival coming up soon!. We have something for everyone!  

See below for a list of the fall festivals for this year and feel free to share those photos but most of all share those memories with the ones you love.  

Little RocktoberFest -…

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South Park Realtors Aaaaand it's gone....South park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone created an episode in Season 25 called "city people." This episode really shows exactly how crazy the real estate market has been over the last few years and has sparked numerous meme's across social media. The episode shows how the town of South Park is being hit with an influx of relocation and Cartman (the show's protaginist) becomes a Real Estate Agent operating without a real estate license and how he is getting overpriced bids for south park homes and his mother tries to explain to him how the market reacts to over inflated bids that don't match market value and will never make it through escrow. 

How to buy a home in a competitive market:  First Time Home Buyer's Edition

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